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Step Ahead Towards A Successful Career With Open School Admission

Education is the foundation of the development of sensible and sincere citizens. Education not only makes people literate but also equips them with attributes like intelligence, analytical skills, decision-making ability, and problem-solving skills which help them to develop their professional and personal career successfully. India is one of those countries in the world that did phenomenal progress in the sphere of education after independence. Today India has a solid infrastructure for imparting fundamental education, secondary & senior secondary education and higher education.

But, despite all progress in the sphere of education, some daunting issues are still haunting India – school dropout of children and unavailability of regular quality education in the hinterland areas. The several reasons behind school dropout are:

  • Poverty, inaccessibility and unavailability of quality learning resources.
  • Toxic school culture
  • The methodology of teaching is monotonous, which fails to generate interest in students
  • Excessive academic pressure from school and parents.
  • Frequent change of schools
  • Repeated academic failure, be it in class tests or semester examinations
  • Family liability due to poor economic background
  • Wrong decisions made by students themselves
  • The family and community background of students, where there is no value of education
  • Other reasons could be physical or medical problems.

Open School Board: An Excellent Platform to Accomplish Your Academic Ambition

Open school board is an excellent platform for candidates who couldn’t complete their academic ambition due to the aforementioned reasons and wish to accomplish their education. The open school board aims to establish, uplift and strengthen the fundamental infrastructure of elementary education and universalization of elementary education. Following are the advantages of open school board education

  • Education is inclusive in open school board. No matter whether you have special abilities or low socio-economic status, for whatever reasons you might have been unable to attend the regular school, all can continue their education through open schooling.
  • Education is universal in open school education system. One can complete one’s education through an open and distant learning system from anywhere in India.
  • Education is self-paced in open school board education system. Within certain guidelines, students can study any time at their convenience and whenever they want.
  • Open school education enable candidates to continue their education. For example, if candidates take 12th Open School admission then they may complete a few courses of 12thexamination this year and then take a drop for a year. Later, they can complete few other courses according to their convenience; there is no problem of discontinuity.
  • Open school board also offers job-oriented vocational and skill education at an affordable price that helps candidates to find suitable employment opportunities.

Why Board of Open Schooling and Skill Education (BOSSE) is one of the Best Open School Boards in India?


  • BOSSE is recognized by the Government of Sikkim and its degree is valid in all sectors, whether academics or professional career.
  • BOSSE offers hundreds of skill and vocational programmes.
  • BOSSE offers easy subject choice with varied languages.